Frontend Lunch 10 - rollup.js, CrankShaft, アメリカ大統領選挙
amagitakayosi, hatz48, nanto_vi がJavaScript関連のニュースを読みつつ雑談しました。
- 2016-11-08のJS: 4.0、webpack 2 beta入門、JavaScriptスタックチュートリアル -
- Welcome 4.0
- GitHub - takahashim/js-stack-from-scratch: Step-by-step tutorial to build a modern JavaScript stack from scratch
- Cooperative Scheduling of Background Tasks(日本語訳)
- Pointing the Way Forward | Web
- Build a Universal JavaScript App with Next.js Button - Close Learn More
- GitHub - vhf/v8-bailout-reasons: A list of Crankshaft bailout reasons with examples
- turbo.js - Easy GPGPU
- GitHub - tfennelly/browserify-tree: Generate a Browserify bundle dependency tree for bundled modules
- GitHub - hughsk/disc: Visualise the module tree of browserify project bundles and track down bloat.
- GitHub - th0r/webpack-bundle-analyzer: Webpack plugin and CLI utility that represents bundle content as convenient interactive zoomable treemap
- 米大統領選2016 開票ライブ:日本経済新聞
- ISUCON6 本選問題の解説と講評 : ISUCON公式Blog
- GitHub - transcranial/keras-js: Run Keras models (tensorflow backend) in the browser, with GPU support
- Kyoto.js - JavaScript Community in Kyoto
- Announcing Dart Sass « Sass Blog
- Who Uses Dart | Dart